Let's do this!

Hey! I'm Stephanie. I am married to Mr. Wonderful and I am a new mother to a handsome little boy. Before becoming a mommy I was a cosmetologist. I loved my job, but I wanted to stay home with my son. I love being a stay at home mom. I also enjoy making crafts and taking pictures. I am currently starting a new journey of being a "house wife" and mother. At the moment I do not know the first thing about cooking, I am not an expert cleaner, nor do I know how to remove laundry stains (I know...what am I thinking). Anyways the point of my blog is to share my story with you, we could learn together! Sometimes I will share with you things i do know about and other days i will talk about learning new things. Either way thank you for sharing my story.Let's do this!Steph


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